Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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Book · We are all equal and so on


We are all equal and so on is published November 2018. A presentation of Finn Nygaards work including jazzposters, posters from the series We are all equal, ink paintings, workshops, photos etc. Accompanied by texts from a.o. Peter C. Kjærgaard, Elsebeth Aasted Schanz, Peter Gyllan and Lars Dybdahl.
ISBN 978-87-998505-1-8

Price in DKK:
235 DKK + shipping DKK 60 / = DKK 295,-

For sales outside DK, please contact.
Price in Euro:
34 Euro + shipping (dep. on country)


400 pages, size 17 x 24,5 cm

ISBN 978-87-998505-1-8