Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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Jazzhus Montmartre · Albert Ayler


Plakatformater/Poster sizes: 150 x 100 cm · 100 x 70 cm · 70 x 50 · *59,4 x 42 cm


Fri fragt i Danmark – til pakkeshop / Free delivery in Denmark – dropshipping


Plakat · priser i DKK
150 x 100 cm: 1.150 kr.
100 x 70 cm: 650 kr.
70 x 50 cm: 450 kr. – Indrammet 850 kr. (eg)
*59,4 x 42 cm: 1.175 kr. – Indrammet 2.250 kr. (eg)


Alle plakater/plakatformater signeres af Finn Nygaard.


Forespørgsel vedr. indramning af plakatformaterne 150 x 100 og 100 x 70:
Mbl. +45 21 630 630 / posters(at)

Salg uden for DK: Forespørgsel til posters(at)
For sale outside DK: Inquiry via posters(at)


*59,4 x 42 cm – Print på Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 g/m². 2 cm hvid kant. Signeret og nummereret af Finn Nygaard. Begrænset oplag: 1-30.
Print on Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 gsm. 2 cm border. Signed and numbered by Finn Nygaard. Limited edition print: 1-30.








Jazzhus Montmartre is the historic jazz hotspot of Copenhagen, presenting world class live jazz at the original intimate venue where the famous club started back in 1959.


Albert Ayler (1936-1970) was an American avant-garde jazz saxophonist, singer and composer.

After early experience playing R&B and bebop, Ayler began recording music during the free jazz era of the 1960s. However, some critics argue that while Ayler’s style is undeniably original and unorthodox, it does not adhere to the generally accepted critical understanding of free jazz. In fact, Ayler’s style is difficult to categorize in any way, and it evoked incredibly strong and disparate reactions from critics and fans alike. His innovations have inspired subsequent jazz musicians. His trio and quartet records of 1964, such as Spiritual Unity and The Hilversum Session, show him advancing the improvisational notions of John Coltrane and Ornette Coleman into abstract realms where whole timbre, and not just mainly harmony with melody, is the music’s backbone. His ecstatic music of 1965 and 1966, such as “Spirits Rejoice” and “Truth Is Marching In”, has been compared by critics to the sound of a brass band, and involved simple, march-like themes which alternated with wild group improvisations and were regarded as retrieving jazz’s pre-Louis Armstrong roots. Wikipedia.


70 x 50 cm, 100 x 70 cm, 150 x 100 cm, 59,4 x 42 cm


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