Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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Jazzhus Montmartre · Coleman Hawkins


Plakatformater/Poster sizes: 150 x 100 cm · 100 x 70 cm · 70 x 50 · *59,4 x 42 cm


Fri fragt i Danmark – til pakkeshop / Free delivery in Denmark – dropshipping


Plakat · priser i DKK
150 x 100 cm: 1.150 kr.
100 x 70 cm: 650 kr.
70 x 50 cm: 450 kr. – Indrammet 850 kr. (eg)
*59,4 x 42 cm: 1.175 kr. – Indrammet 2.250 kr. (eg)


Alle plakater/plakatformater signeres af Finn Nygaard.


Forespørgsel vedr. indramning af plakatformaterne 150 x 100 og 100 x 70:
Mbl. +45 21 630 630 / posters(at)

Salg uden for DK: Forespørgsel til posters(at)
For sale outside DK: Inquiry via posters(at)


*59,4 x 42 cm – Print på Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 g/m². 2 cm hvid kant. Signeret og nummereret af Finn Nygaard. Begrænset oplag: 1-30.
Print on Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 gsm. 2 cm border. Signed and numbered by Finn Nygaard. Limited edition print: 1-30.








Jazzhus Montmartre is the historic jazz hotspot of Copenhagen, presenting world class live jazz at the original intimate venue where the famous club started back in 1959.


Coleman Randolph Hawkins (1904-1969), nicknamed “Hawk” and sometimes “Bean”, was an American jazz tenor saxophonist. One of the first prominent jazz musicians on his instrument, as Joachim E. Berendt explained: “there were some tenor players before him, but the instrument was not an acknowledged jazz horn”. Hawkins biographer John Chilton described the prevalent styles of tenor saxophone solos prior to Hawkins as “mooing” and “rubbery belches.” Hawkins cited as influences Happy Caldwell, Stump Evans, and Prince Robinson, although he was the first to tailor his method of improvisation to the saxophone rather than imitate the techniques of the clarinet. Hawkins’ virtuosic, arpeggiated approach to improvisation, with his characteristic rich, emotional, loud, and vibrato-laden tonal style, was the main influence on a generation of tenor players that included Chu Berry, Charlie Barnet, Tex Beneke, Ben Webster, Vido Musso, Herschel Evans, Buddy Tate, and Don Byas, and through them the later tenormen, Arnett Cobb, Illinois Jacquet, Flip Phillips, Ike Quebec, Al Sears, Paul Gonsalves, and Lucky Thompson. While Hawkins became well known with swing musicduring the big band era, he had a role in the development of bebop in the 1940s. Wikipedia.


70 x 50 cm, 100 x 70 cm, 150 x 100 cm, 59,4 x 42 cm


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