Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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Wynton Marsalis · Copenhagen · 2020


Plakatformater/Poster sizes: 150 x 100 cm · 100 x 70 cm · 70 x 50 · *59,4 x 42 cm


Fri fragt i Danmark – til pakkeshop / Free delivery in Denmark – dropshipping


Plakat · priser i DKK
150 x 100 cm: 1.150 kr.
100 x 70 cm: 650 kr.
70 x 50 cm: 450 kr. – Indrammet 850 kr. (eg)
*59,4 x 42 cm: 1.175 kr. – Indrammet 2.250 kr. (eg)


Alle plakater/plakatformater signeres af Finn Nygaard.


Forespørgsel vedr. indramning af plakatformaterne 150 x 100 og 100 x 70:
Mbl. +45 21 630 630 / posters(at)

Salg uden for DK: Forespørgsel til posters(at)
For sale outside DK: Inquiry via posters(at)


*59,4 x 42 cm – Print på Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 g/m². 2 cm hvid kant. Signeret og nummereret af Finn Nygaard. Begrænset oplag: 1-30.
Print on Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 gsm. 2 cm border. Signed and numbered by Finn Nygaard. Limited edition print: 1-30.








Wynton Learson Marsalis (born October 18, 1961) is an American trumpeter, composer, teacher, and artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center. He has promoted classical and jazz music, often to young audiences. Marsalis has won at least nine Grammy Awards, and his Blood on the Fields was the first jazz composition to win the Pulitzer Prize for Music. He is the only musician to win a Grammy Award in jazz and classical during the same year. Wikipedia.


70 x 50 cm, 100 x 70 cm, 150 x 100 cm, 59,4 x 42 cm


Uden ramme, Eg natur, Eg mørk, Eg sort