Invitational project for the upcoming anniversary issue. In 2011 the legendary magazine with an illustrious 151 year history was launched under the title Harper’s Bazaar Art. January 2016 marks the fifth anniversary of this most prestigious international art magazine. Ten world-renowned artist and designers are invited to contribute an artwork to a special feature appearing in this upcoming anniversary issue. The artworks are based on the theme “5”, the Chinese symbol of “The Circle of Life”.
Poster tribute to Hiromi Uehara (上原ひろみ, famous Japanese jazz composer and pianist. > Postershop
Exhibition · Morsø Kunstforening, MK61 · Holmen, Nykøbing Mors. September 19 – November 22 2015. > Postershop
Invitational poster exhibition commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. Exhibition in The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland, September 2 to October 16 2015. The opening reception is on Wednesday, September 2nd, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. > Postershop