Finn Nygaard Design | Portfolio Tags books
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Kunst på Borgen

Kunst på Borgen
– Kunst som politisk scenografi.
Art in Parliament.
– Art as political scenography

Author: Jens Christian Jacobsen, Christiansborg (The Danish Parliament)
Publisher: Permild & Rosengreen
Photos: Torben Eskerud
Layout and Graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Guide Mors 2016

Guide Mors 2016

Layout/graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Guide Mors 2015

Guide Mors 2015

Layout/graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Demens: Den anden frekvens

Demens: Den anden frekvens – Inspiration for pårørende.
Dementia: The other dimension – a new inspiring perspective.
Book, CD, poems.
Publisher: Fænø Lighthouse Productions.

Book: Art at CBS

Presenting the art collection of Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Denmark.

Punk, protest og provokation

Book release: Exhibition “Punk, protest and provocation” in the Danish Poster Museum, The Old Town, Aarhus Denmark.
Bogudgivelse til udstilling i Dansk Plakatmuseum. Den Gamle By, Aarhus. 7.2 – 9.8 2015.

Layout/graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Mors i Billedet · kunstbog, artbook

The art book Mors i Billedet was published in July 2009. The book accompanies a series of exhibitions during the summer on the Islans of Mors.

The Danish painter Finn Have is the author of the project, that was realised by the institution ‘Mors i billedet’.

The art book (and the series of exhibitions) describes an island and its landscapes interpreted by artists – living and deceased: painters, sculptors, grahic artists and authors.

Grahic design, layout and book cover: Finn Nygaard AGI

Region Hovedstaden: Forløbsprogrammer


Type 2 Diabetes
Hjerte-kar sygdomme

Region Hovedstaden, 2009-2015

Layout/grafisk design/illustrationer: Finn Nygaard