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100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia

Invitational Global Poster Project. 100 posters from 90 leading designers from around the world. The 100th anniversary of the Revolution in Russia. Golden Bee 13 Global Biennale of Graphic Design. Curator of the Global Poster Project: Serge Serov, AGI.

17for17 · Zero Hunger

Invitational poster project. 17 poster for United Nations 17 sustainable goals. Poster auction. Chora Connection. December 2016. Exhibition January 12 – April 9, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen.

Poster in tribute to Juan Carlos Darias

Invitational Poster exhibition to commemorate our deceased friend and Latin American design icon Juan Carlos Darias, famous graphic designer, illustrator and Venezuelan artist, who in life devoted himself to the study, training and promotion of national design. Organized by The Ministry of Culture, through the National Museums Foundation and the Darias Institute of Design, Venezuela.
Juan Carlos Darias – 1961-2015.
de la Estampa y del Diseño Carlos Cruz
Diez, Venezuela. Exhibition opening: July 17 2015.

A Creative Love · Frida y Diego

Hommage á Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Coyoacán, México City. Invitational poster project. México 2010.
Frida Kahlo; 1907-1954.
Diego Rivera; 1886-1957.

Poster · Świerzy in memoriam

“In Memoriam” at the Gallery of Graphics and Poster Warsaw dedicated to the work of Waldemar Świerzy. Together with poster designers, who Waldemar Świerzy admired: Jan Bajtlik, Keneth W. Cato, Seymour Chwast, Lex Drewinski, Milton Glaser, Ryszard Kaja, Ryszard Kajzer, Roman Kalarus, Wojciech Korkuć, Uwe Loesch, Lech Majewski, Grzegorz Marszałek, Piotr Młodożeniec, Finn Nygaard, Kari Piippo, Andrzej Pągowski, Alain Le Quernec, Wiesław Rosocha, U.G.Sato, Rie Tanaka, Niklaus Troxler, Mieczysław Wasilewski, Bronisław Zelek. Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu, Warsaw.

Poster: Support Free Media

Poster created for IMS International Media Support. Generously supported by The Danish Arts Foundation.
International Media Support (IMS) is a non-profit organisation working to support local media in countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political transition. Across four continents, IMS helps to promote press freedom, strengthen professional journalism and ensure that media can operate in challenging circumstances.

Posters: The Old Town in Aarhus, Denmark

The Old Town in Aarhus, Denmark (Danish: Den Gamle By), is an open-air town museum located in the Aarhus Botanical Gardens. It consists of 75 historical buildings collected from 20 townships in all parts of the country. In 1914 the museum opened as the world’s first open-air museum of its kind, concentrating on town culture rather than village culture, and to this day it remains one of just a few top rated Danish museums outside Copenhagen serving some 3.5 million visitors pr. year.

The museum buildings are organized into a small town of chiefly half-timbered structures originally erected between 1550 and the late 19th century in various parts of the country and later moved to Aarhus during the 20th century. In all there are some 27 rooms, chambers or kitchens, 34 workshops, 10 groceries or shops, 5 historical gardens, a post office, a customs office, a school and a theatre.

The town itself is the main attraction but most buildings are open for visitors; rooms are either decorated in the original historical style or organized into larger exhibits of which there are 5 regular with varying themes. There are several groceries, diners and workshops spread throughout the town with museum staff working in the roles of town figures i.e. merchant, blacksmith etc. adding to the illusion of a “living” town.

Love · poster and fan

FunFan and poster – The Wind of Love to the World. Invitational, Japan 2008

EM 2002

Logo and poster · handball women, 2002.