Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia …


The Revolution in Russia – 1917 – 2017

Sizes 150 x 100 cm and 100 x 70 cm
POD · Print on Demand

Prices in Euro:
150 x 100 cm: 131 Euro + shipping

100 x 70 cm: 77 Euro + shipping
Inquiry via Contact


Invitational Global Poster Project. 100 posters from 90 leading designers from around the world. The 100th anniversary of the Revolution in Russia. Golden Bee 13 Global Biennale of Graphic Design. Curator of the Global Poster Project: Serge Serov, AGI


The poster is available as POD in the sizes 150 x 100 cm and 100 x 70 cm.