Finn Nygaard Design | Postershop
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Angela Davis – We are all equal


Plakatformater/Poster sizes: 150 x 100 cm · 100 x 70 cm · 70 x 50 · *59,4 x 42 cm


Fri fragt i Danmark – til pakkeshop / Free delivery in Denmark – dropshipping


Plakat · priser i DKK
150 x 100 cm: 1.150 kr.
100 x 70 cm: 650 kr.
70 x 50 cm: 450 kr. – Indrammet 850 kr. (eg)
*59,4 x 42 cm: 1.175 kr. – Indrammet 2.250 kr. (eg)


Alle plakater/plakatformater signeres af Finn Nygaard.


Forespørgsel vedr. indramning af plakatformaterne 150 x 100 og 100 x 70:
Mbl. +45 21 630 630 / posters(at)

Salg uden for DK: Forespørgsel til posters(at)
For sale outside DK: Inquiry via posters(at)


*59,4 x 42 cm – Print på Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 g/m². 2 cm hvid kant. Signeret og nummereret af Finn Nygaard. Begrænset oplag: 1-30.
Print on Fine Art Hahnemühle Bamboo 290 gsm. 2 cm border. Signed and numbered by Finn Nygaard. Limited edition print: 1-30.








Angela Yvonne Davis (born January 26, 1944) is an American political activist, academic, and author. She emerged as a prominent counterculture activist in the 1960s working with the Communist Party USA, of which she was a member until 1991, and was briefly involved in the Black Panther Party during the Civil Rights Movement.

After Davis purchased firearms for personal security guards, those guards used them in the 1970 armed takeover of a Marin County, California courtroom, in which four people were killed. She was prosecuted for three capital felonies, including conspiracy to murder, but was acquitted of the charges.

Davis is a professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in its History of Consciousness Department. She is also a former director of the university’s Feminist Studies department. Her research interests are feminism, African-American studies, critical theory, Marxism, popular music, social consciousness, and the philosophy and history of punishment and prisons. She co-founded Critical Resistance, an organization working to abolish the prison–industrial complex.

Davis’s membership in the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) led California Governor Ronald Reagan in 1969 to attempt to have her barred from teaching at any California university. She supported the governments of the Soviet Bloc for several decades. During the 1980s, she was twice a candidate for Vice President on the CPUSA ticket. She left the party in 1991. From Wikipedia


We are all equal · Introduction to the poster series >


70 x 50 cm, 100 x 70 cm, 150 x 100 cm, 59,4 x 42 cm


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