Finn Nygaard Design | Portfolio Categories Poster projects
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Poster · Tribute to Van Morrison


Van Morrison · Live in Copenhagen 2007 · Tivolis Koncertsal


Sir George Ivan “Van” Morrison is a Northern Irish singer-songwriter and musician whose recording career started in the 1960s. Morrison’s albums have performed well in the UK and Ireland, with more than 40 reaching the UK top 40, as well as internationally, including in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.


Postershop >

Designing Democracy


Designing Democracy 2025 · Invitational poster project.


Design Democracy is a non-profit project campaigning for democracy and respect online with digital posters that depict democratic values. Designers are invited through recurring online open calls to design political posters. We then distribute these posters like digital leaflets on social media.


Designing Democracy · Demokratie Gestalten >

Rosa Passos Quartet


Rosa Passos Quartet · Dunas · Live in Copenhagen
CD Cover + Vinyl and poster


Storyville Records


Poster in postershop >


Say it with flowers


Dear Joe Biden …
Dear Xi Jinping …
Dear Vladimir Putin …

Say it with flowers !


Dear Joe Biden … >
Dear Xi Jinping … >
Dear Vladimir Putin … >



Invitational poster project “Say it with flowers”.
Kunstnergruppen/The artist group Primus, Denmark.

Uhresalen, Hinnerup Kulturhus; spring 2023.




Storyville Records · posters


A new series of posters for Storyville Records. The posters are based on Storyville Records CD releases 2021-2023.


Postershop >



Go’ morgen Danmark

Interview ifm udgivelse af bog om Ib Antoni. Udgivet 2021 af Antoni Legacy.
Forfatter Sara Alfort har i samarbejde med Antoni Legacy >

Poster · Shanghai Design 10×10

The 2021 Shanghai Design 10×10 Global Invitation Poster Exhibition. Organized by Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. China Arts Museum, Shanghai.
The organizers reviewed the participating designers as well as their posters and have decided that there might be some doubts over some posters.

Therefore, some works were not exhibited, but were excluded/blacklisted. The decision was jointed made by the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. 

Music posters

A series of posters with music instruments.
For Jazzhus Montmartre.

Poster shop >

Jury · BIPB South Korea


Member of the 2nd jury of the 1st B.I International Poster Art Biennale.
August 2021.

Henne Strand · poster · 2020


Poster created for the Danish resort Henne Strand – at the west coast of Denmark.  The poster features famous Danish sculptor Erik Heides work “Katrine – The Seagull” from 2019.

Ulstrup Slot

Poster exhibition
· 2021 · September 4-5
Kunstridderne, 30 years anniversary.

El Lissitzky

Poster tribute · El Lissitzky 1890-1941
Invitational poster project.


El Lissitzky was a Russian artist, designer, photographer, typographer, polemicist and architect. He was an important figure of the Russian avant-garde.


Poster shop >

Jazz på papir · Heltborg Museum

Poster exhibition
in Heltborg Museum, Thy · Denmark. invitational. Arranged by Sydthy Kunstforening. Vernissage September 17 – with world famous Danish jazz basist Thomas Fonnesbæk.

MK61 posters


Exhibition posters for MK61 
Morsø Kunstforening af 1961

(Morsø art association · The Island of Mors, Denmark)



100 years anniversary · UNOVIS

International poster contest organized by the Vitebsk Center of modern and Contemporary Art, Belarus
– to celebrate the 100 years anniversary of the foundation of the artists’ union UNOVIS at the Vitebsk People’s Art School.
The international jury: Peter Bankov, chairman (Czech Republic), Finn Nygaard (Denmark),

UNOVIS (also known as MOLPOSNOVIS and POSNOVIS) was a short-lived but influential group of artists, founded and led by Kazimir Malevich at the Vitebsk Art School in 1919. 

Horace Silver · tribute


Jazzhus Montmartre is the historic jazz hotspot of Copenhagen, presenting world class live jazz at the original intimate venue where the famous club started back in 1959.
Horace Ward Martin Tavares Silver  (1928 – 2014) was an American jazz pianist, composer, and arranger, particularly in the hard bop style that he helped pioneer in the 1950s.

More on postershop >

Peace · poster series

Invitational poster project · traveling exhibition in Taiwan, 2019.

Poster Festival Budapest

Juror in the Poster Festival Budapest, Hungary
Organized by the Hungarian Poster Association. Budapest, Hungary. November 2018.
The 2018 jury: Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Árendás József, Ducki Krzysztof, Finn Nygaard, Pinczehelyi Sándor, Slobodan Štetić, Szőnyeg-Szegvári Eszter and Tóth Tamás.

P8 Jazz-prisen 2017

Tove Enevoldsen, spillestedsleder i foreningen Paradise Jazz i København, blev den 5. modtager af P8 Jazz-prisen.
Plakat/Illustration: Finn Nygaard