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Byens Kunst Jelling



Udstilling/exhibition · 22. februar til 9. marts 2025

Jazz og Kalligrafi


Byens Kunst Jelling
Møllegade 10 · Jelling

Byens Kunst Jelling >

Tommy Flanagan


Tommy Flanagan · Solo Piano

CD Cover + Vinyl and poster
Storyville Records


Poster in postershop >

Museum Ovartaci


Museum Ovartaci opened the doors to new premises in the city of Aarhus, Denmark.


Museum Ovartaci >


Graphic design: Finn Nygaard
Identity, logo, signage, books, folders, posters, postcards, covers, a.o.


Ovartaci · In More Dimensions


Intro from the book Ovartaci · In More Dimensions

For decades Ovartaci was extremely productive until his creative urge declined in the last few years of his long life. Drawings, paintings and sculptures made from all kinds of materials from fabric, cardboard and metal tins, which he cut into strips, to plaster, papier mâché and metal wire. He was extremely imaginative and did not accept any limits to his artistic endeavours. He worked tirelessly, and to him nothing was impossible.


Layout and Graphic design:


Museum Ovartaci >

Ovartaci · Art and Mind


Ovartaci is one of Denmark’s most notable Art Brut artists and he has a central role in the Museum’s collection. Ovartaci’s works were created in the period 1929-1985, when he was a patient at the psychiatric hospital in Risskov. With his 56 year long hospitalisation and his truly unique art, Ovartaci is the epitome both of the institution and the history of the freedom to be able to express oneself through art. In many ways Ovartaci broke the expectations, norms and values which surrounded him. He was fascinated by other cultures and religions – and any alternative way of living.


Museum Ovartaci opens a door to a wonderous world. The museum is founded on two inseparable collections – a historic collection containing several objects from the first psychiatric hospital in Denmark from 1852 to the present day, and an internationally recognised collection of artworks created by people with psychiatric diagnoses. In Museum Ovartaci’s permanent exhibition the collections interact dynamically and contribute to actualising topics and themes about the human mind.


Deep inside we are all far out – there is more to madness than you think.



Graphic design:


Museum Ovartaci >

Ovartaci – Poemas · Digte · Poems

More than fifty years had passed till these texts were discovered and showed an overwhelming power. Vague maybe, but telling more about an artist´s fate, than we knew from his fabulous painting and sculptures.


Graphic design:


Museum Ovartaci >

Rosa Passos Quartet


Rosa Passos Quartet · Dunas · Live in Copenhagen
CD Cover + Vinyl and poster


Storyville Records


Poster in postershop >


MKS Magasin

Kunstmagasin / Art Magazine
Morsø Kunstforening af 1961 · MK61

Kunstforeningen Det Ny Kastet
Sydthy Kunstforening
Det Nordatlantiske Fyr i Hanstholm
Skive Kunstmuseum
Heltborg Museum
Kunsthal Thy


Morsø Kunstforening >
Kunstforeningen Det Ny Kastet >
Sydthy Kunstforening >
Det Nordatlantiske Fyr i Hanstholm >
Skive Kunstmuseum
Heltborg Museum >
Kunsthal Thy >



MKS Magasin 009 · 1.1. – 30.6.2025 >

MKS Magasin 008 · 1.7. – 31.12.2025 >

MKS Magasin 009 · 1.1. – 30.6.2025 >







Storyville Records · posters


A new series of posters for Storyville Records. The posters are based on Storyville Records CD releases 2021-2023.


Postershop >



T.S. Monk Live


Two continents
One groove


CD Cover design for Storyville Records


Guide Mors 2022


Guide Mors 2022 by VisitMors / Morsø Turistbureau >


Visit postershop >

The Touch


Søren Kristiansen & Thomas Fonnesbæk

Storyville Records, 2022 >

MKS Magazines


The Magazine is published by the three art associations located in The Region of Thy and The Island of Mors – Northwestern Jutland:
Morsø Kunstforening, Det Ny Kastet & Sydthy Kunstforening.
It is a semi-annual magazine; featuring exhibitions and the exhibition artists, articles, upcoming events etc.


Sæson 3 2021/2022

Erindring · Erfaring · Erkendelse

Essays om livet og omegn

Evanthore Vestergaard


Grafisk design ·
Karin Andersen og Finn Nygaard




The Oresundtrain

Colour setting: Finn Nygaard AGI MDd

Winner of The Danish Design Award/Den Danske Designpris 2000.

The train connects Copenhagen and Malmo in Sweden.The train carries on the quantities that were introduced with the IC3 train. The more slender shape and the interior appear functional and coherent. The technology has been adapted to the two countries’ different power systems. Userfriendliness has been given a high priority: The floor is level with the platform, and there are wide double doors and a large vestibule, enhancing the accessibility for all usergroups and enabling a clear view down the length of the train. The train is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition, with its holistic approach and high quality materials. 

From DesignDK 2:2000. The Danish Design Center Journal.

CD cover · Our Songs

Alex Riel, Bo Stief and Carsten Dahl

Storyville Records, 2001 

Storyville Records >


CD cover · Petite Fleur


Petite Fleur · Adonis Rose and The New Orleans Jazz Orchestra · Feturing Cyrille Aimée


Storyville Records >


Storyville Records · Jazzpar winners

award was awarded 16 times to a host of the world’s greatest musicians, all of whom deserved greater attention. The man behind it all was Arnved Meyer who uniquely got the Scandinavian Tobacco Company to sponsor the prize of DKK 200,000. An unprecedented amount of money in Danish jazz at the time. Among other things it allowed Tommy Flanagan to get a required by-pass operation. Thanks again to Arnved Meyer.
Now Storyville is releasing a number of recordings that both award winners and Danish musicians were allowed to make as part of the awarding of the JAZZPAR awards. All have been re-mastered and redesigned by the Danish star graphic artist Finn Nygaard. In addition, there are new liner notes by Brian Priestly and booklets contain unprecedented photos by Jan Persson. Over time, several productions are scheduled for re-release as a tribute to the participating musicians and a unique project in Danish jazz.