Finn Nygaard Design | Portfolio Categories Books · Magazines
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Ovartaci · In More Dimensions


Intro from the book Ovartaci · In More Dimensions

For decades Ovartaci was extremely productive until his creative urge declined in the last few years of his long life. Drawings, paintings and sculptures made from all kinds of materials from fabric, cardboard and metal tins, which he cut into strips, to plaster, papier mâché and metal wire. He was extremely imaginative and did not accept any limits to his artistic endeavours. He worked tirelessly, and to him nothing was impossible.


Layout and Graphic design:


Museum Ovartaci >

Guide Mors 2022


Guide Mors 2022 by VisitMors / Morsø Turistbureau >


Visit postershop >


Sæson 3 2021/2022

Erindring · Erfaring · Erkendelse

Essays om livet og omegn

Evanthore Vestergaard


Grafisk design ·
Karin Andersen og Finn Nygaard



Kunst på Borgen

Kunst på Borgen
– Kunst som politisk scenografi.
Art in Parliament.
– Art as political scenography

Author: Jens Christian Jacobsen, Christiansborg (The Danish Parliament)
Publisher: Permild & Rosengreen
Photos: Torben Eskerud
Layout and Graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Campus Chair · book FHL

New book released January 2018.
Campus chair by Foersom & Hiort-Lorenzen.

Manufactured by Lammhults, Sweden

Book · We are all equal and so on

Published November 2018. A presentation of Finn Nygaards work including jazzposters, posters from the series We are all equal, ink paintings, workshops, photos etc. Accompanied by texts from a.o. Peter C. Kjærgaard, Elsebeth Aasted Schanz, Christian Brorsen, Peter Gyllan and Lars Dybdahl.
November 2018
400 pages · 17 x 24,5 cm
Graphic design: Finn Nygaard
Print: Typographic
ISBN 978-87998505-1-8

.> shop

Guide Mors 2020


Guide Mors is published every year in January by Visitmors
Graphic design:


Visitmors >

Guide Mors 2017

Guide Mors 2017 · Morsø Denmark. Mors is the biggest island in the Danish Limfjord. The nature and landscape of the island has impressed locals and visitors throughout centuries.

Guide Mors 2016

Guide Mors 2016

Layout/graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Varefakta: Mærkning

Mærkning Magazine
Layout, illustrations and graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Varefakta Logo/ID: Finn Nygaard >

Demens: Den anden frekvens

Demens: Den anden frekvens – Inspiration for pårørende.
Dementia: The other dimension – a new inspiring perspective.
Book, CD, poems.
Publisher: Fænø Lighthouse Productions.

Book: Art at CBS

Presenting the art collection of Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Denmark.

Punk, protest og provokation

Book release: Exhibition “Punk, protest and provocation” in the Danish Poster Museum, The Old Town, Aarhus Denmark.
Bogudgivelse til udstilling i Dansk Plakatmuseum. Den Gamle By, Aarhus. 7.2 – 9.8 2015.

Layout/graphic design: Finn Nygaard

Mors i Billedet · kunstbog, artbook

The art book Mors i Billedet was published in July 2009. The book accompanies a series of exhibitions during the summer on the Islans of Mors.

The Danish painter Finn Have is the author of the project, that was realised by the institution ‘Mors i billedet’.

The art book (and the series of exhibitions) describes an island and its landscapes interpreted by artists – living and deceased: painters, sculptors, grahic artists and authors.

Grahic design, layout and book cover: Finn Nygaard AGI

Region Hovedstaden: Forløbsprogrammer


Type 2 Diabetes
Hjerte-kar sygdomme

Region Hovedstaden, 2009-2015

Layout/grafisk design/illustrationer: Finn Nygaard